QuestionWhile driving on CA interstate 15 my vehicle was struck by debri after another vehicle ran it over. The damage is about $1,800, my deductible is $300. can I file a claim against the state to recover costs I pay since the debri was laying in the freeway lanes? If so, what do I do?
AnswerHi John,
It has been my experience that states cannot be held resposible for anything.
They cannot be sued, nor municipalities because they are if you will "Above the law."
I had a similar situation happen on the interstate in Indiana last summer. Damn trucks and their recaps!
Tire let go from semi in front of me. Fortunately, I was far enough behind that it only took out my grille. If I would have beenn farther back or closer, I would not be writing because it would have gone through my windshield.
I found 300 miles worth of Indiana hey filled with tires and other debris. Don't know if this was from job cut backs or what.
To my knowledge states consider these acts an act of God and they are not responsible.