Questioni sent u a question last night about my accident! ----------i was in a car accident today at about 3:00 pm. i was driving down the hwy and there was a woman driving a newer model car in front of me, i glanced over to at the intersecting road to make sure that no one was runnig the stopsign, and when i looked foward again she had slammed on her breaks and was almost stopped! i wasnt going very fast, mabey 45 mph, and there were 3 carlingths between us before she had slowed. i hit my brakes but couldnt stop in time. i rear ended her and totaled my car and caused major damage to the rear end of her car. when i asked her if they were alright she told me they were fine. they were taken to the hospital via ambulance. i had hit my head and needed stitches and had my mom take me to the er.
i had an insurance card that said i was covered untill march but i found out my parents took me off their polocy and i was no longer covered. i am not sure what i should do? if i get insured right away will i be covered?
or am i going to have to pay for everything from my empty pockets? please let me know as soon as possible!!!
thanks for your help,
i need to know what i can do now????
they called me this morning and told me they called my insurance company and they told them i have not been covered scince october!!
they said that they needed to get a car because i wrecked the oly one they had!! plz help me i have no idea what im doing!!
i am sure their insurance will pay and then want me to reinburse them but i am unemployed and make no money!!
and am having no luck finding a job right now!!
if they sue me and get a judgment how will i pay them?
are there any laws or grants that help people in my situation? a speedy responce is definitly appreciated,
AnswerHello Pat,
Normally I don't anser questions about collisions, but I will make an exception here.
I am not a lawyer, nor do I give legal advice. I am not an insurance representitive.
My answers are based only on my experience based on working with insurance claims for over 20 years.
You definately have a problem on your hands. As for you running out to get insurance to cover this accident, that won't happen.
I realize you have no money, but what may happen is that the people you hit hopefully have un-insured motorist policy.
The mechanics are in that situation are where their insurance will cover replacement of the car and personal injury. Here is the problem for them even with unisured motorist provisions. They will most likely have a deductible they are responsible for in replacement of the vehicle.
If medical bills are higher than the coverage, they will be responsible for that too out of their pocket.
The insurance company will subrogate after you. This means they will recover their costs one way or another and the people you hit will also most likely be able to go after you for the money they had to shell out.
Look, I don't want to be the bearer of bad news here and I don't think you will like my answers. I am a realist however.
You may need representation from an attorney to explain your legal rights.
Depending on the state you live in, sometimes it is against the law to drive without insurance as well whether you knew if you had insurance or not.
I feel bad for you, but if I were you, I would be real concerned about the injuries to the other people as well.
I hope things get better for you.