Auto Insurance Claims: reopening a claim, state insurance department, innocent party

This happened to my boyfriend and I was wondering if he can do anything about it:

A year ago his parked car was hit at his work by another car, who happened to also get hit by another car which made that car hit his. Basically his car , C, was hit by car B, because car A hit car B. Car B and A did not want to take any responsibility so they went to litigation and with that they decided to repair their own cars.... However no one decided to repair my boyfriend's car. There are about $3500 worth of damages. He was not insured at that time so I do not know if that will play a part. He wrote a demand letter to car B who hit his car but there has no reply. My boyfriend does not want to pursue this but I don't think he should pay for damages when GIS car was just parked!

He should call both insurers and demand that one or both cover his damages as he is an innocent party.  If they refuse, he should file a complaint with the state insurance department who will likely force one or both to cover his damages.  Laws vary by state on how this will be handled, but he should not be left out to dry.  If car B's insurer failed to respond to his letter, that is also an unfair claim practice and he should mention this.