QuestionI was recently in an auto accident in Minnesota where my vehicle rear ended a vehicle at a stop sign due to poor road conditions. I believe that if settled with insurance I will be considered 100% at fault. I have asked the other party to settle outside of insurance, as the cost of the repairs is likely to be under $1000 and not require official reporting, and they seem amenable.
I have been informed that it is possible for the other party to settle with me outside of insurance, and then file an insurance claim as well in order to get a "double payment", basically screwing me over. How can I settle outside of insurance but protect myself against actions like this?
-Thank you for your time expert,
AnswerHi Jesse,
Please keep in mind, I am not giving legal advice for I am not a lawyer.
I will tell you what I would do to at least try to cover my butt in this situation.
Once an agreement on price is made, pay with a check so you have it documented. Draw up a short little agreement stating that this claim has been settled by you and you are to be held harmless for any additional liabilities pertaining to this claim. Date it, sign it and go to a notary and have the other person sign it.
In the event that a future claim is made against you, you have the documentation to prove otherwise. As stated, this is only my opinion and what I would do.
Always remember, the more documentation you have, the more you are protected.
Good luck!