QuestionI have towing included on my car ins.I have never had a problem before with my ins. co. taking care of towing untill
now.My vehicle had to be towed after my daughter hit a guard rail on an icy road,she was in Utah and I live in Las Vegas.It seems they say the coverage does not cover towing away from an accident.This is completley not an acceptable
answer.What is the difference on what conditions the car has to be towed? Thank You
AnswerRoadside assistance type plans are designed to tow a vehicle due to mechanical failure, flat tire, dead battery etc.
If a car is involved in an accident, towing is covered under the respective accident coverage such as collision, comprehensive, property damage liability, etc.
You say it is "not an acceptable answer". Actually, you accepted the terms and conditions of the towing coverage when you purchased such coverage. I'm sure that you have a copy of the policy and have had ample opportunity to read it.
As an insurance rep, I've always found it very interesting how coverage is acceptable when it fits within a person's perception of what it should be but when it doesn't fit this perception, the insurance company is the bad guy.
Either way, the coverage is always provided to the customer in writing. It is the customer's decision as to accept or reject the coverage.