Auto Insurance Claims: deer and icy conditions..hit a guard rail, auto insurance, auto insurance claim

just a few days ago i swerved to miss a deer on the highway.  I was doing approx 85 km in a 100 kmh zone and was unable to regain control before colliding with a guard rail causing over $5000 in damage.  I have full coverage.  Should I be covered if i didnt actually make contact with the deer?

Sorry to hear about that.  It happens down here in the south all the time, with or without ice.  As far as the "green" people are concerned, it is a good thing that the deer survived.  I can tell you though that a lot of people end up getting killed in attempts to miss a deer and end up hitting a tree instead.  Personally, I'd take the deer as I so love venison sausage and would never be ashamed to have a deer strapped to the roof of my Impala.

You have not specifically stated what kind of coverage you have.

There is no such term as "full coverage" in the insurance industry.  Consumers use this term when they believe that they have purchased every coverage available but I see cases on a daily bases that they believe that they have purchased something that they never did as people refuse to read the documents.  

There is Liability, Comprehensive, Collision, Un-Insured Motorist, Medical payments, rental, GAP, additional equipment, etc. etc.

If you have collision, this loss would qualify under that coverage.

If you have comprehensive coverage, it would only apply if you made contact with the deer.

Good luck!