QuestionQUESTION: I was wondering who would be at fault here.
i was driving through a parking lot and someone had backed into me from a parking stall. i was definitely under the speed limit and had not seen this person back out at all. the accident occurred as i was passing the parked car. the damage starts at my fender right behind my front tire and goes all the way to the rear bumper. i called the police and no report was written due to being on private property. their insurance is now calling me asking questions... how should i proceed? i went through my insurance and have my car in the shop for now. any suggestions? should i print out an aerial of the lot and describe what happened to their insurance. mine?
ANSWER: Hi Bryan,
Since you are already dealing with your own insurance company you should ask them if you should provide any statements to the other company.
Based of your story, I would say that the other person is at fault. However his insurance company may try to place some of the blame on you.
I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Thanks Richard,
I spoke with my insurance and asked if i should contact his insurance. They say, " all statements are voluntary and i dont have to." not sure if giving a statement will help. also should i fill out my paper statement from my insurance with as much info as i can or not?
From speaking with my insurance claim guy he says they are filing a claim against me. Claiming when he looked back he didnt see me. My insurance says they will deny there claim and fight for me. is there anything i need to be aware of? i'm just nervous that this might get resolved at a 50% 50%.
my insurance guy says especially that my damage is on my side and his damage is on his bumper that this will go 100% their at fault. you believe with the supplied information the other person is at fault.
Thanks! i need some peace of mind!
AnswerHi Byron,
Yes it does appear that the other driver is at fault.
You should provide your insurance company with as much detail as possible. They will be fighting for you. You do not need to provide the other company with a statement. You should check with your adjuster about every 3 weeks to check on the status of the claim.
I Hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh