Auto Insurance Claims: insurance claims, insurance claims help

Hi, I live in the state of Arizona and unfortunately I have 2 claims going: 1 is with Geico for a stolen car since October 2015.The claim is still pending, as the adjuster says, it's still under investigation. Left several messages and very few responds. I cancelled the policy with them because very disappointed. Question: is Geico still responsible to settle this claim?
Car number 2 caught fire in December 2015 for some unknown reasons and the adjuster from Horace Mann Insurance says is still under investigation; by the way, they have the car. Question: if I cancel the insurance, is Horace Mann still responsible to settle the claim?

Yes on both accounts.  Unless there is some fraud, they should have already paid the claims.  If you had coverage when the loss occurred, that is all that matters.  You can cancel the policy 10 seconds after the loss occurred and the policy still has to pay.