Auto Insurance Claims: Qeustion about auto accident claim, company approach, accident claim
I had an accident earlier where i was driving on an intersection straight going north on a clear green (not even a yellow, it was clear green from beginning to end even before i got into the accident and even a after i got in the accident it was green for sometime). So while I was driving straight ahead and as soon as i entered the intersection on the green, a 80 year old guy with an old car ran into my new car as he was taking his left. the intersection had arrows dedicated. So in reality he took a left on his red coz i had a clear green. Now his insurance company is not agreeing coz they know there were not any cameras. There were cops called by me first and there was exchange of information and no formal police report was filed. My insurance company trusts me and they know i am not at fault. The otehr insurance company had an investigation at teh intersectiona dn they are lying byu syaing that i am 100% as fault which is totally not fair. Now my insurance company will go for a thrid party arbitration. Now what will happen and how things work and what should my approach and my insurance company approach will be?
AnswerHI John,
You will just have to let your insurance company handle this. The will go to arbitration and usually will end up negotiating a settlement. Sometimes the arbitrator will decide in your favor and sometimes they may decide that it was 50/50 at fault. Your insurance company will do their best to try to get the other person to be 100% at fault. The arbitration will not be something that you participate in.
I hope this helps
Richard Hixnebuagh