Auto Insurance Claims: used car financed and not insured, mitsubishi dealership, million pieces
Questionpurchased used vehicle from Mitsubishi dealership. I only had liability insur on previous car, not comp/coll. Finance guy was made aware, but said he would attach 30 day binder from dealership to cover, so i'm safe to drive and lender is protected, since car was financed. Convertable; rear window blew out for no apparant reason, only 2 days later; million pieces. Cannot replace just window, only whole $2500 top. Two problems here, as I see it. There was no binder ever filed and they let me drive away uninsured. Would insurance cover the window, considering is includes the top of the car also?
Why was the binder never filed? Did you get a copy of any type of paper showing insurance on the vehicle. If insurance was represented to you as being in place then the dealership should be held responsible for the damages to the vehicle. I'm not sure which insurance your referring to as possibly covering the vehicle. Liability coverage would not cover this. Comprehensive coverage (property damage) would cover this and should be obtained through the dealership if they represented the vehicle was fully insured when you left the dealership. The insurance, if available, would cover all things necessary to fully repair the vehicle.
Best of luck.
Marc B. Nussbaum, Esquire