Auto Insurance Claims: auto property claim, company adjuster, landscaping companies
QuestionMy son who is 16 years of age while backing up hit a tree located on someones property. The owner of the property filed a claim with my insurance company saying that his tree needed to be replaced. My insurance company adjuster went out and awarded this homeowner almost $4500 for the replacement of this tree. I was curious have several landscaping companies as well as tree services come out of which all three companies stated that the tree was fine and that just some of the bark had come off as a result of the impact. The companies also gave me pricing between $800 to $1000 to replace the same tree. So after vigorously dealing with my insurance company they have decided to settle with me for $800 to pay the claim off. Now they have already given the homeowner $4500. They have told me that once I pay back the claim for $800 the claim will be removed and there will be no claim against me or my son. I have asked for written documentation stating this but I am very cautious as to what they are trying to do here. What are your thoughts on this mess?
I am a bit confused but it sounds like your neighbor got $4,500.00 for the tree and you got $800.00 for the damage to the car. I am not aware of an insured paying back the monies paid to them so there can be no record of a claim. I doubt you will get anything in writing saying they will remove the claim for $800.00.
You have made a claim under the policy of insurance and that claim will be recorded and known when subsequent claims are made. It sounds like you should have had those estimates provided to the insurance company before they paid out the neighbor.
I hope I answered your question.
Marc B. Nussbaum, Esquire