Auto Insurance Claims: Medical Claim on at Fault Drivers Insurance, health insurance company, lower back strain
QuestionI was in a rear end fender bender, I didn't think I received any injuries the day of the accident. The next day my back started hurting, it progressed to worse. I went to ER had mid and lower back strain. I used my Health Insurance to pay the cost, I have just received what my insurance paid. Can I and/or how do I make a claim on the at fault driver's auto insurance? My claim is still pending how do I include medical cost? Do I pay this back to my health insurance company?
AnswerThe first step is to call the claim rep at the at-fault carrier and ask them to explain the process. They will likely ask you to submit copies of your medical bills and/or reports. They will then evaluate your claim and make you an offer to settle. The offer should include medical bills, lost wages, and an amount for pain, suffering, and inconvenience. When this happens, you can provide more details to me and I'll help you evaluate your claim and the offer. You should not settle until you are confident you have recovered and will not need more accident related medical care.
The health insurer will have the right to seek reimbursement for the bills they covered due to the accident. This will need to come out of your settlement. However, health insurers do not always ask for reimbursement and you do not need to tell them unless they ask. Also, in some states you can get some of your bills paid through your own insurance company. I'm not familiar with Nevada law but you should ask your claim rep if this is the case.