Auto Insurance Claims: Auto claim, honesty is the best policy, auto claim
QuestionSo, I made a claim and it was wrong. I though that my car had been vandalized in a parking lot. The insurance company sent a investigator and said no way. The made me go on record and repeat the same story. I just found out today what real happened. My wife was attempting top back up my truck with a trailer on it and it cased all the damage. Currently my truck is in the auto shop in pieces waiting for the insurance company to ok. Should I tell the insurance what really happened? Can I get in trouble even though I did not know what happened?
AnswerYou would not get in trouble if you thought you were telling the truth. You only have a problem if you knowlingly lie to the insurance company. Of course, you have to consider whether they or the police will believe this was the case. Also consider whether or not your wife was truthful. Did she lie to the insurance company? Knowingly presenting a false claim to an insurance company is fraud and a felony in most states.
I always believe that honesty is the best policy, so I would come clean.