Auto Insurance Claims: Driving another persons vehicle with permission, collision coverage, insurance carrier
QuestionThis question is similar to Harry's question on 6/19/2008, which was answered by Anne.
FACTS: I damaged my friends truck while borrowing it with permission. I checked with my insurance to make a claim and they told me they would cover my friend's vehicle if they did not have collision coverage on that vehicle. My friend has collision coverage on the truck, but my friend is unwilling to make a claim through her insurance carrier but wants me to pay for the damage. I'm happy to pay her out-of-pocket expenses if the claim was made through her insurance but I'm not too happy to pay the entire costs.
Question: If my friend wants me to pay for the damage can I force her to make a claim on her insurance? I want to do the right thing because I caused the damage...but I don't want to take out a small loan when insurance is available.
AnswerHi Kathy,
Auto insurance follows the vehicle not the driver. So it would be your friends insurance that would need to pay for the damage. You would be responsible to pay for her deductible as well as any rental car not covered by her policy.
As far as her not wanting to make a claim, that is something the two of you will have to work out. You can not force her to make a claim. If you know what her deductible is, you might want to go ahead and give her a check for that amount as a show of good faith. You might also tell her that if she is worried that her premiums will go up due to the claim that you would be willing to cover that expense as well.
I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh