Auto Insurance Claims: accident involving a stolen car, owners insurance company, crime victims fund

My daughter's car was totaled last month by a woman driving a car that was stolen. They owners insurance company tells us they are not liable because the car was stolen. My daughter only has liability on her car. Is there any way she can get the money to replace her car?

Hi Roberta,

Unfortunately not. When a vehicle is stolen, neither the owner of the vehicle nor their insurance company are responsible for any damage caused by the thief.

The only thing I can suggest is that you contact the District Attorney handling the case to see if your damage can be included in a restitution order against the thief. This will not get you any money quickly because the thief can't pay while the're in jail. You should also ask the District Attorney if their is a state crime victims fund that you may be eligible to receive compensation from.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh