Auto Insurance Claims: Auto Damage :(, mercedes c230, cement block

Auto Insurance Claims: Auto Damage :(, mercedes c230, cement block
Yesterday I went to a plaza that is pretty close to where I live, meaning I go there pretty often.  I park the way I usuall park, get a pedicure, and on my way out, I hear a terrible noise, I stop the car only to find half of my bumper partially detatched. I looked at the cement block and it has a large iron rod comming out of it, the rod thats usd to keep the cemen block in place was poorly assembled, and cause mycar a great deal of damage. I drive a mercedes c230, and yes, its low profile, but there is no excuse for the kind of damage that rod did to my car. I called teh cops for a poice report, even though the poice say its my fault, property damage or what not, I still got a report. I took pictures of the rod, and of how every single other cement parking stop had no protruding iron rod like mine. However, I do not know what steps to  take from here. I hate this whole situation and i don't think it's fair that I am held  rexsposible for my vehicle damage, when what they have there is not only damaging to my vehicle, but a potrential risk to anyone who mightfall and end up gettingg severly injured. I just don't know what to do, and I hope you can offer some advice for my situation, it would be largely appreciated.

Hello Vanessa,

Please excuse me if I sound bewildered.

You could look at this from a different perspective. What if the owner of the parking block wanted to sue you for your vehicle damaging the cement block exposing the rebar (iron rod).
Yes, the 230 is low profile just like many other sports cars out there and you need to be careful of such collisions. My Alante is low profile and I damaged the wind deflector under my bumper misjudging the parking lot. This stuff happens. If it is anyone's fault, it is the driver's no matter how you slice it.
