Auto Insurance Claims: Insurance Adjuster, bad customer service, insurance adjuster

I was wondering how long it takes for an adjuster to get back with you after he has seen the damage on the vehicle. I'm going on my 2nd week and still I haven't heard back from them and my bike is in the shop waiting to either be repaired or totaled. I keep calling the insurance company but I'm not getting any answers. I'm not sure what to do and I'm really getting frustrated with my insurance company. Is this standard policy to keep us on our toes because right now I'm in limbo of what to do. Thanks for any advice you can give!

This is definitely not standard policy.  This is an example of really bad customer service.  They are probably behind on their work right now.

You might want to consider a new insurance company if this is the service they provide.  You should get a call within 24 -48 hours after a vehicle is appraised.

I would continue to call and be very persistent but also polite.  I would ask for the supervisor and demand immediate service.  Be persistent but do not be rude or aggressive as this may antagonize the situation.