Auto Insurance Claims: I was hit by a motorcycle, pain management therapy, motorcycle liscence

It has been 3 years. I and about 13 children were disbanding from a hometown holiday parade when a motorcycle was also disbanding for the parade. His motor was hot so he wanted to get air through it to cool it down. It was one of those kawaski new bikes-very fast-He hit me thank goodness no one else. I was hit at my heels and flipped and my head broke my fall. He did not have a motorcycle liscence and it was someone elses bike. But they have coverage. My lawyer says the insurance company will only settle based on my medical bills and not pain and suffering. The doctor I see said they can't find an ything they can put their finger on that they can fix on my body. I don't care what they say I'm not the same I hurt everyday. I can't afford any other doctors or pt or pain management therapy because I don't have the money. I own my own business as a pet groomer. I don't feel my lawyer is working for my best interests. He's way too passive I need help! I hurt!

Hi Jennifer,

This is a hard situation. Without proof of an injury that would result in pain & suffering, it is going to be hard to convince the insurance comapny to compensate you for something that there is no proof of.

If you feel your lawyer is not working in your best interest, you can fire him ang get another one. Unfortunately, though, it does not sound as if another attorney would do much better. The problem here is no proof of an injury that would justify compensation.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh