Auto Insurance Claims: Keys left in stolen car, owners insurance company, nusance

My granddaughter and her friend stole a car. The keys were left in the car at gas station. It happened after school. I am being sued by the owners insurance company. The kids drove the care about two miles and parked it, threw the keys and ran. Why am I liable but he is not?

Hi Patty,

I do not understand what they are suing you for. If they only drove the car 2 miles and parked it, then what are they suing for. Now, if there is any damage to the car you are responsible for that. Because if you are the childs guardian you are legally responsible for anything he does. You will be able to argue that that the car owner created an "attractive Nusance" by leaving the keys in the car. Tat may help reduce the percentage of liability, but, I think you should get prepared to pay something. You should also consult with an attorney. The attorney will cost you money too.

After you are done tanning the grandsons hind-end, you should tell him that he will have to get a job doing what ever he can to pay you back. A little manual labor may do him some good.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh