Questionwas hit at about 30 to 35 mph combined speed impact was directly on the rear wheel no body damage. 350 payout fix rim, tire,and rear aligment.the ghecko is claiming low impact i have multiple injuries carple tunnel bilateraly,bilateral ulnar neuropathy,torn extensor tendon on right and peritedinios cyst on left elbow offer without asking is 1000 my specials are 6300 and need surgery what kind crap offer is that
AnswerManny, I have an article out of which you may get some use. Unfortunately, I can't give you legal advice and it seems your situation may need legal action. Unless you have enough information and bravery to tackle it on your own, you may have to let an attorney take a contingency and handle the injury for you.
It is a common argument, but one that I would be hard pressed to stand behind. I think most professionals and experts will agree with me. Obviously, there are extremely complicated physics going on when a collision between two objects occurs. The average person cannot compute the forces that are happening. Even experts will disagree as to how much energy is transmitted to a person inside a vehicle in any given set of collision parameters.
What seems to be very clear is that the math involved in such circumstances does not reflect a direct relationship with the speed and severity of impact and damages with the type and severity of injury. The change in speed of the occupant due to the collision is the factor to calculate, and in some instances, lower speeds result in higher occupant acceleration (true!).
Look us up directly and I'll give you a copy of the article regarding low speed impacts. Information is always free at Petty Details, LLC.