Auto Insurance Claims: auto, legal obligation, accident insurance

QUESTION: I was rear ended twice in one week!  Have not had car repaired from 1st accident - do I  report second accident to my insurance company - live in Houston,  Texas both times police said to move on because they do not have time - adjusting to Hurricane Ike aftermath No injuries in either  accident - insurance information  exchanged, HELP

ANSWER: Was there new damage caused by the second collision and if so, what was damaged and how bad?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Yes there was new damage, bumber cracked, next to 1st scratch of accident.

If the bumper is cracked, then it is not repairable and must be replaced.  Unless the insurer decides to deduct something for the prior scratch, then I'd just keep it simple by only pursuing the insurance company of the second person that hit you.  If they do deduct something, then you can pursue the first party for whatever amount that is.

As far as whether you report this to your insurer or not, that is up to you but understand that all policies require that all accidents be reported and that if you end up losing more money down the road because of not reporting, your insurance company will be under no legal obligation to bail you out at that point.

Good luck.