Auto Insurance Claims: not at fault accident with suspended license, aaa insurance, license situation

QUESTION: thank you in advance for answering this.

i was recently in a not at fault accident - no question...i was stopped at a red light when another car smashed into me from behind. she admitted the fault, but no cops. my license is currently suspended from a refusal last year, but my car is fully inured from esurance. the lady has AAA insurance. i am hoping to get my car paid for by her insurance regardless of my license situation...sp what are your thoughts on this? she will not argue whose fault it is, bit is AAA going to check and see if i have a license?  i did not give them a DL#.  what is the best way to handle this?

thank you,
kevin matheis

ANSWER: Hi Kevin,

Not to worry. The fact that your license was suspended has no bearing on the fact that the other driver rearended you while you were at a complete stop. The damage to your car was directly related to the negligence of the person who rearended you.

Her insurance company may ask you for your drivers licence number but, it is only for identification purposes. The will not check to see if it was suspended. Go ahead and call them to file the claim.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: richard,

thank you for your timely response. my insurance has asked me to file a SR1 form through the DMV...and i am hesitant to do this. i told them i want to wait and put it all through the other party's insurance.  we have not heard back yet from the other party's insurance (AAA) and i am starting to get worried.  i obviously did not want the police to be involved at the scene so we handled it on our own.  she clearly admitted fault so i didn't think it would be a problem.  don't tell me the insurance company is going to look at this like, " witnesses...what can we get away with without paying"?  is there anything i can do to speed this along?  i should have had her call and report the claim right then and there with me in front of her, huh?

-kevin matheis

Hi Kevin,

You should call her insurance and report the claim. If you do not have the info then call her to get it. If she seem uncooperative tell her you will call the police and she will be in trouble for not reporting the claim in a timely manner.

Good luck
Richard Hixenbaugh