Auto Insurance Claims: Backed Into A Parked Car, minor scuffs, driver discounts
I backed into a parked car in a parking garage earlier tonight and smashed my left tail light along with the other person's left tail light. Just the plastic paneling broke, bulbs still intact, etc. Minor scuffs on each vehicle. The security for the parking lot took down my info, took pictures, and told me they'd pass my info. along to the owner of the vehicle when they came back to their car.
I'm assuming I'll get a call for them tomorrow. I'm fully insured through State Farm and have had no accidents yet or anything to increase my insurance or affect all the good driver discounts I currently have applied. Should I call my insurance company about this or should I first try and settle with the vehicle owner directly? I'm curious as to what would be to my financial advantage here. Thanks for your time.
AnswerHi Robert,
I first suggest that you make an "off-the-record" phone call to your AGENT.
In many states, if the total damage is less than $500-$750, there are no penality charges for the accident. Your agent can advise you exactly what State Farm's rules are in this situation.
After you get an estimate for the damage to your car and an estimate from the car that you hit, you will be better able to decide whether to file a claim or pay the damage out of pocket.