Auto Insurance Claims: gap insurance denies claim, state insurance commissioners, gap insurance
Questionmy truck rolloed over and was totaled by my personal auto ins. but it didnt cover all the balance so i made a claim to my gap ins. but was denied due to the vechicle being on a commercial policy but my policy clearlly staed that the use of this vechicle was personal commute to and from home and school with kids i dont want to ruin my credit but i dont have the money to pay the remaing balance and i feel that my gap ins. sould have covered why didnt it cover and what can i do to hold them responsable or what kind of attorney should i be looking for i need some help and fast i get phone calls with the ford credit comp. demanding they be paid ?
AnswerHi Maria,
The thing that determins whether or not they have to provide coverage is the actual wording of the GAP insurance policy. An insurance policy is a contract between you and the insurance company providing the coverage. So you would have to actually read the policy to see the terms, conditions, exclusions and limiting conditions to determine if you are covered. If the policy says they they do not pay for commercial vehicle or vehicles insured on a commercial policy, then there will be no coverage. If that is the case, you should demand a refund of the premium since there was no way that the policy would have ever paid off.
If you have additional questions, you can file a complaint with your state insurance commissioners office.
I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh