Auto Insurance Claims: Quick Question, mail return receipt, shoddy workmanship

    A "jiffyLube" here in Las vegas, NV has detroyed our transmission, according to two ASE certified mechanics, and our local auto dealership. I called thelube shop and they said that they have to see the truck before we get it repaired. Sounds ok. However, now they will not answer or return my calls. I am a care giver for my Father and has many doc appts. etc. Any suggestions on what I can do to prevent them from dragging their feet or any other useful information would be appreciated. Regards-Skyler

Hi Skyler,

You should send the owner or nmanager of the shop a demand letter by certified mail.return receipt requested. Also send a copy by regular mail. In your letter you should indicate that as a result of their shoddy workmanship and negligence, they have damaged the transmission of your vehicle that has been verified by two ASE certified auto technicians and that the cost to make the repairs is $________. You hereby demand that they provide you with a time and place where they can inspect the vehicle and be prepared to make payment at that time.

Take one of your mechanics with you to this meeting. Do not go by yourself. If they do not respond or cooperate, you will have to file a lawsuit against the business if it is a corporation or against the owner if it is a sole proprietorship. You should call the Jiffy Lube corporate office to find the identity of the owner if you do not already know.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh