Auto Insurance Claims: Auto Accident While Delivering PIzza, commercial auto policy, personal auto policy
QuestionMy brother was in an accident whiile delivering pizzas for a restaurant chain. He had an accident, and his insurance company is refusing to pay because he was 'working'. The pizza chains insuramce does not cover repair of his vehicle. He now has a wrecked car, that is not driveable (dual airbag deployment) that he is making payments on and no one will pay to repair. This does not seem correct to me, which insurance company should pay for his car? The car is repairable, but is mechanically and structurally damaged beyond my capabilities.
AnswerHi Brandon,
This is a common problem. The standard personal auto policy does not coverage damage that is caused while you are using the vehicle for business. In fact most policies have a specific exclusion for using the vehicle to as a delivery vehicle. The restaurants policy does not cover employees cars, even when used for the business. The only way to have had this situation covered would be to purchase a commercial auto policy. However the premium would be 3 to 4 times the personal policy.
At this point I do not know of anything that can be done to cover this situation.
I hope this helps.
Richard Hixenbaugh