Auto Insurance Claims: Computer laptop issue with insurance, hot water heater, computer laptop

We have never had a claim before but in April had a hot water heater explode.  We had alot of damage to our home since the heater was upstairs.  We got bids like we were suppose to and once the claim was filed we began the work.
One piece of damage was a laptop.  We were told that we could replace it which we did. I went into the store to get a copy of our reciept and while waiting I was on my phone with an AT&T employee trying to get a phone issue resolved and while waiting the employee asked me what I needed and I told her a copy of my reciept and she proceeded to get it and once she came back I was then talking to a represenative about a real problem with my telephone issue and put the reciept in my bag without looking at it.
I being a really busy person stuck it in the envelope with a few other reciepts for other things I had to turn in and dropped it off at the claims office to find out later it was a generic reciept that this asian employee just went over and printed, she did not want to interrupt my conversation so she just handed it to me and I shook my head and said thank you thinking she printed MY personal reciept for the purchase.  I turned this in and the
special investigation dept called me today and asked me about the reciept and I was dumbfounded by his call.  I realized that there was a terrible mix up when he implied that maybe this was forgery.  I was literally blown away.
I called the store and they told me with a common name and paying cash/gift card It would not find my reciept.  I thought the reciept would have my name on it so I didnt not even pay it much mind. After explaining this to the special inv. dept he told me I would have to prove I didnt go try to but something and then cancel it and still try and turn in a reciept.  This is so crazy as all someone would have to do is by something and then return it before the return deadline.  I am so upset that they would think on these terms.  But I guess there are dishonest people out ther.
How and what should I do since the manager said as big as their store is it would be imposible to find the reciept. And what does it mean when the adjuster wants to take a recorded statement now about this item?

Hi Maley,

This is standard for insurance companies. They assume that every claim has fraud in it and that you are just trying to steal the company's money.

The burden of proof is on you as to what you had and what was damaged. That is why it is important to keep accurate records of expensive items. If you still have the old laptop you could show it to them to prove that you did not return it.

The recorded statement is an attempt to catch you lying in tape, They will ask you many questions in different ways to try to catch you in A lie. If you refuse to take the recorded statement they will deny your claim for not cooperating.

You should just do the best you can in trying to prove what your losses are. In the end, if they do not cover the lap top,  you can chaulk it up to a learning experience.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh