QuestionWhat happen if the Automobile insurance company & Lawyers violates the HIPPA insurance law in new jersey. I witness my records in a IME doctors office visit and I did not signed the medical release form. I ask the question to how it happen I was told the Lawyers sent them too the Doctor. What recourse do I have for this violation.
AnswerHi David,
I am sorry to have to break the news to you that your entire medical record is in issue once you make a claim for injuries, and as such, the insurance doctor is entitled to EVERY medical record for the past ten years if he wants it.
The rules of discovery for civil cases specifically provide that the opposing party has the right to all such medical records. Hence their hired gun doctor also has the right to those. He will try to find ways to deny your claim by reviewing your past records.
Insurance "Independent" Medical Examinations (IME)
Insurance "Independent" Medical Examinations (IME)
Best wishes,
Dr. Settlement, J.D. (Juris Doctor)