Auto Insurance Claims: Stolen car Quebec, insurance fraud investigations, lie detector test
My car was stolen in May-08-08 we are Aug-09-08 still no settlement. My insurance comapany hired a investegator he
interrogated me for three in half hours trying to make me feel guilty like I did it...He mentioned my file was red because my credit wasn't that good...I don't understand I don't have any problem with my credit...he asked me to provide him with all sorts of documents, last years income taxes, bank statements,employers letter, visa statements,personal banking transactions...etc...I supplied him with all he requested.He also mentioned that I was not obligated in answering his questions I could of done that with a lawyer.He also mentioned if the case would go further would I take a lie detector test...I told him if that would happen I would get a Lawyer. All to say...I felt applauded and deprived of my rights.I always paid my insurance..I gave them over $15,000.00 dollars in the 6 years car was a leased vechile my lease was over on June-22-08 I only had two more payments to give my leasing company. My car was insured full value if stolen.
Do I continue waiting or just get a lawyer it's costing me money leasing monthly over a 1000.00 per month. Help me ..what's going on I live in Canada Montreal
AnswerAll I can say is that is that I've been involved in hundreds of insurance fraud investigations over the years and I've never seen a fraud investigation get to the point that you are describing without very strong evidence of fraud.
Only you know if you need an attorney.