Auto Insurance Claims: car accident, repair estimates, influnce

my car was hit while it was parked in front of my apt. I was not driving for 2 mths as i was ill.  did not have insurance on the car. the driver of the truck also did not have insurance a drivers lic was driving under the influnce driving  on revolked and was arrested and charged also with careless driving what recource do i have with these people if any
Thank you

Hi Flora,

This is a difficult situation. About the only thing you can do is to contact your county or state attorney who is handling the charges against this person. You should ask is there is the possibility of getting a restitution order. If so, you will have to privide repair estimates. You should also ask for the cost of a rental car during the repairs. Unfortunately, the person at fault likely has no money and may only be ordered to pay $20.00 per month until it is paid.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh