Auto Insurance Claims: Progressive Auto Claim Settlement, progressive auto insurance, settlement check

Is is possible that Progressive Auto Insurance would send an adjuster out the morning after an accident & issue a settlement check to while there? ie:  accident Thursday night - settlement check Friday afternoon?  That is what my daughter's boyfriend says took place...

Hi Pam,

Yes. Some insurance companies try to inspect vehicles and issues check in a very short time frame after the accident is reported. However, your daughter should select a body shop on her own. She should give the body shop a copy of the estimate written by the insurance appraiser. It is very likely the amount will not be suficient to completely repair the vehicle. The shop will then have the appraiser come to the shop to go over the car and determine what else may be needed. Then the insurance company will write a supplemental estimate and issue payment directly to the shop.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh