Auto Insurance Claims: car insurance coverage in alabama, car insurance coverage, licensed drivers
QuestionMy ex-husband has bought and insured a car for my 17 year old daughter who does not live in his household. She lives with me, her mother. If I drive this car with her permission will the car be covered should i get in a wreck? I am a licensed 43 year old driver with an excellent record.
AnswerHi Kathleen,
All licensed drivers in the household must be listed on the policy in order for there to be coverage. You should be put on her policy as a driver. There will be no additional charge due to your age and good driving record. On the other hand your daughter should also be listed as a driver on your policy as well if there is any chance she will ever drive your car. if you do not ahr she has an accident in your car (even in an emergency) the claim would be denied. There may be an increase in your premium putting her on your policy due to her age. But is possible is you are both covered by the same company that this may not happen. You should discuss all options with your agent.
I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh