QuestionWhat forms do i need to fill out to extend my insurance claim time? Car insurance plae tells me they wont pay anything for med cost untill all my med work is complete. I have been unable to get cleared by docs to work have no $$$ left to continue med treatment to recover to get back to work either. I've been trying to get disability so i can pa for treatment with it then get off once im recovered and back to work but they say i dont have enough documenation to qualify yet jobs wont hire me due to not being able toget cleared. A huge catch 22 it seems and my one year statute ends in like 38 days. I as going 45-50 on my motor cycle head on and thrown over 60feet.It was ruled the other drivers fault from multiple witnesses on official police report. can i get any compesation for med epenses befor a setlement? if not how doi get this all done withouthaving money? Maine question what do i fill out and fill to extend my claim time till I'm done with all my treatments??? Thank-you for your time.
Unfortunately, you have a complicated problem to solve. My gut reaction is to tell you that you need to find an attorney to assist you that will take your case on a contingency basis.
The problem is that third party liability claims are more complicated than most people realize. For me to be able to give you good direction, I would need at least 15 minutes on the phone with you doing a question and answer session. Over a forum like this, it's gonna be hard to help, but here's a sincere effort at an answer anyway . . .
Extension? Simply request it in writing and have the insurance company acknowledge it in writing. If they won't, you know something is up. Just make sure it says exactly what you want it to say (I suggest professional help here). Use terms like toll (in this sense toll means to hold over) the statute of limitation until such time as injury treatment is complete. If you don't trust that remedy, the only other option to protect the statute of limitation is to sue the at fault party before the statutes toll (in this sense toll means to run out).
Can you get compensation for medical expenses before a settlement? Not normally when you are filing against someone's auto liability policy. They evaluate the entire value of your injury claim once you are finished treating, and then they make an offer. They can make an offer now and you could accept it, but you'd have to agree that they don't owe anything else after they pay you, even if you have to go back to the doctor.
You're right, it is sort of a catch 22 for you, especially if you don't have your own insurance that can help you to pay for treatment you need. I hope this helps.