Auto Insurance Claims: Car Insurance, insurance policy, car insurance

Hi. I am 19 years old and I have gone through a couple of cars in the last few years. They have not been back to back though. So I would be on an insurance policy than off of one than on again and so forth. My insurance guy is telling me that's bad. I just got rid of my truck and he said I should insure my moped just to stay on a policy (but it doesn't require insurance or even a title)

Is he just trying to get my money or is it actually harming me financially?


Hi Sean,

It is true that when you go to buy auto insurance, one of the qualifying question is did you have insurance within the past 30 days. If the answer is no you will pay a higher rate for insurance. If you intend to buy another car within the next 60 to 90 days then it may be a good idea to insure the moped. If not then don't bother because what you will spend for the insurance will be more than any potential increase for not having insurance within the last 30 days.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh