Auto Insurance Claims: Rental car after claim, comparable vehicle, law suit

I was told that the liable company would only pay for a rental auto in the state of Texas for in the amount of $20 a day for the 4 days it takes to repair my auto, even though my accident happened over 2 weeks ago and they could not get their insured to respond to their inquiry.  Is this correct?

Hi Betty,

No. The at-fault person or their insurance company owes you for the cost of a comparable vehicle from the day of the accident until the repairs are completed. You will need to simply argue the point. The insurance companies try to get away with this because the only recourse you have is to file a law suit and they know that the amount of money involved is usually not enough to justify a law suit. Just stand your ground and don't accept anything less than what it actually costs. You may need to ask to speak to a supervisor or manager to get it done.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh