Auto Insurance Claims: Bent frame on an 04 chevy ext. cab, rust damage, bad tire

Hi i have a 2004 chevy ext. cab. my friend drove the truck into a light pole it was a front end collision. this was bout 3 years ago. his insurance covered the vehicle, but they never checked my frame. i have recently gone back to the insurance co. because of damages they never corrected. my tires were destroyed and when the new ones were put on the front drivers side rubs bad. tire shop believed it to be the frame. had the frame measured and it was in fact bent. the shop that is contracted by the ins. co. says they can bend it back. now in 2001 gm began rubber coating the frames to keep them from rust damage and extend the life of the frame. i have been told that the if they were to bend the frame back there is a very good chance the carbon on the frame will crack and chip. and the rubber coating could actually increase the time of the frame to rust. and know one could ever tell until it is too late. even at that most likely the carbon has chipped in the original impact over 3 years ago.

next question is about resale value. i live in california, and if i have this work done to my truck. how is it going to affect a private sell or a dealer trade in?

Hi Doc,
First of all, I'm at a total loss trying to understand how your friends insurance got involved.  The law in all states is that the insurance follows the vehicle, so your policy should have applied, not his.

Due to the length of time since the accident (almost 3 years), there is a strong likelihood that the insurance will deny the frame damage, stating that it could have happened from some more recent incident.

Any dealer or private party can run the vehicle identification number
(VIN) through and get a full claims history on your vehicle for a small fee.
Yes, the frame damage will cause a 'diminished value' to your vehicle.
Only an expert in that field can inspect your damage and determine a dollar value.

You are not allowed to collect 'diminished value' from your own company, but since you state this was paid for by your friends insurnace company, a possibility exists, if they don't try to deny the claim due the the time since the accident.

I hope you find this information to be of help.
Your feedback by rating my answer will be appreciated.

San Francisco Bay Area