Auto Insurance Claims: Do I need a lawyer?, car insurance company, chronic damage

Dear Mr. Hixenbaugh,

  I was involved in an accident June of 2006 and am running out of time to settle with my car insurance company on an injury related to the accident.  I have chronic damage to my C7 root nerve which affects my left arm, the residual effect has been a large amount of atrophy to my left triceps.  The neurologist says that the only way to fix it is with surgery, but he does not recommend this action at the time.  Should I get a lawyer or should I settle myself?  My concern is that this gets worse, the doctor says that it is chronic and will get worse, and that I have no coverage in the future.  How can I make sure that I am protected in case I need surgery at a later date and that I am fairly compensated for the injury itself?  Any assistance in this matter would be greatly appreciated.



Hi Jason,

The statute of limitations in most states is 2 to 4 years. If it is 2 years in your state you need to immediately consult with an attorney. If you pass the statute of limitations, the insurance company does not have to pay you anything an there will be nothing you can do about it.

Find an attorney right away to protect your rights.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh