Auto Insurance Claims: Accident while backing, parking lot accidents, minor damages

This is an accident in an apartment parking lot.  
I was backing up my parking spot.  As I reached almots half the way,  the car on the other side started backing and hit me.  The driver of that car says it is both of our fault. However, the damage spot should make it clear that I was mid way.

I had some minor damages (paint scraping) while the other car (an SUV) did not have any damage.  Is it worth trying to pursue through insurance ?

The other car have have caused minor scratches in my car earlier too but happened in my absence and so I cannot prove it

Hi Krish,
Parking lot accidents are among the hardest type to settle because there are usually no witnesses.  It simply becomes your word against hers and each of your insurance companies are required to accept your word of what happened until proven otherwise.
In this case, there is no way to prove otherwise.
It's really not worthwhile to pursue this through the insurance.

I hope this information is helpful.
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San Francisco Bay Area