Auto Insurance Claims: auto accident, police accident report, auto body shop
QuestionQUESTION: My brother got in to an accident, with no fault. Police was called at the spot. Other party wants not to report to insurance. I believe once reported to Police, accident report goes to insurance automatically. in this situation, we can not have personal deal.
ANSWER: Hi Surendra,
The police do not report accidents to insurance companies. If the damage is minimal, you can deal directly with the at-fault person. However you should have the persons insurance info just in case they decide not to pay or the amount is more than they can afford. You should get a repair estimate and present it to the at-fault person. If there is any sign that they may not be willing to pay this, then report the claim to their insurance company. Remember that you will also be entitled to payment for a rental car during the repairs.
I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: I got an estimate from a approved auto body shop. An inspection has been done from at fault side (his insurance company), I was told that my estimate is very high. Should I accept this estimate/payment or I must get 2nd estimate by calling my insurance company (I did not call my insurance so far)
AnswerHi Surrendra,
The insurance company estimate is just a preliminary estimate. There may be additional hidden damage found once repairs are started. You should select a body shop that you want to do the work. Ask them to do a teardown to more accurately assess the damage. Give the body shop a copy of the insurance company estimate. The body shop will then contact the insurance company with any discrepancies. If the cost to repair the car is at or above 75% of the value of the vehicle it should be declared a total loss.
I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh