Auto Insurance Claims: claim payout, state insurance commissioners, car insurance company

how long does and insurance car insurance company have to pay out a claim with 4 parked cars hit by this drunk driver. It has been 1.4 year and they keep saying all claimants have not sent in only 2 have and that they cant payout till all parties have sent in? is this true?

Hi Cindy,

When there are multiple vehicles ivolved in a claim, the insurance company must wait untill all damages are submitted. This is because the claim will be prorated. Thats where each person will receive only a percentage of their total damages. Generally in this type of situation you are better off to put the claim through your own insurance comapny if you have collision coverage. If not you just have to wait untill all damage is submitted.

Now in your case 1.4 years is very excessive. You should file a complaint with your state insurance commissioners office. Or you may want to considr speaking with an attorney. If too much tile passes you may not pursue your claim in court because of the statute of limitations.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh