Auto Insurance Claims: rear-end accident-not my fault., gmc suburban, rear view mirror
QuestionI was stop in line of traffic when I looked in my rear view mirror and saw a GMC Suburban coming on fast. She rear-ended my TrailBlazer. The trailer hitch took the brunt of the force. It twisted underneath the car. It tore the bumber off the GMC. The officer wrote the 16 year old a warning. She kept saying, I'm sorry. I couldn't stop. I am not sure her feet would reach the pedals. She was really tiny.The insurance company is trying to say I could not have that many medical claims since my car only has 2500 worth of damage. What they don't know is I have a plate in my neck and the force of the hit jared everything. An MRI had to be done to make sure everything was still intact. It also shook something loose in my ear. This has been 2 months ago. Should I just ignore their letter until it is time to settle. This happened in Georgia. How do I get diminished value? I live in another state.I am not signing a release of my medical records. i will get and send them myself. Any sggestions on where I go from here??
AnswerHi Deborah,
Depending on the extent of the damage, you will be entitled to be paid for diminished value. For more information on diminished value visit .
As for your injuries; The insurance companies job is to find ways and reasons not to pay you. So far it sounds like you are doing well. Once all of your treatment is complete you will need to put together a demand letter along with all of your medical records and bills. It may ultimately require that you hire an attorney depending on the extent of your injury and the cost of treatment. Of course the insurance company will claim that this is an exacerbation of a pre-existing condition to try to minimize any payments.
I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh