Auto Insurance Claims: want to settle out of court, vertabrae, pain and suffering

i was in an accident the other driver blew a red light at 60mph and totaled my car. ive been to the chiropractor and am going through therapy. i dont have broken bones but my 5th vertabrae is pinching on my 6th, and my last is pinching on my tailbone. theres a slight kink in my spine between my shoulders and my hips were moved up a notch so my right leg is higher than my left. my neck is still sore from the question is what should i ask for in a settlement for pain and suffering, and permanent damages? how much and why?

Hi David-

This is really a better question for an attorney, but I can tell you what I know from experience.  

You will probably have to wait until you are finished treating before they will want to settle with you.  If you are still treating by the time the statute of limitations is running out you will probably be forced to sue them.  The rule of thumb if you have a strong case and you are willing to fight for 3-5+ years for it is your medical bills + any lost wages + 2.5 times your medical bills for pain and suffering.  

Good luck.  

Sheldon Maughan
Sacramento, Ca