Auto Insurance Claims: Pain and Suffering, strained muscles, pain and suffering

I was rear ended while stopped at a red light. It is her fault and her insurance company (State Farm) has accepted liability. I was injured in the accident. I have several strained muscles in my neck and arm. I know they will pay my medical bills. But how do I go about getting compensation for my pain and suffering. I haven't been able to pick up my son in over a week. As a single mother this has made my life miserable not to mention the pain. Please advise. Kate
Also, my car was totaled!

Hi Kate,

Once all of your treatment is complete, you will have to write a demand letter stating everything about the accident, your injuries, inconveniences, pain and suffering you went through and all of the costs associated with your injuries. Generally you should ask for 3 times the total of all of your medical bills. That would cover the medical bills themselves, your inconvenience and pain and suffering. However you should expect the insurance company to fight you. This will be a negotiated process. The insurance company has no interest in properly compensating you. Their only interest is in closing the file for as little money as possible.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh