Auto Insurance Claims: Determination of fault in a rear end accident, second car, first car

All the cars moved slowly in a parking lot. If the second car hit the first car in front of it because the first car suddenly stopped without traffic light. Is it possible to charge the first car with making an error to create an accident such as block the driveway? Under what circumstance, the first car may be at fault or the following car is always at fault in the rear-end accident? Thank you for your answer.  

Hi Janeice,
Every state has a law that requires a driver to operate his/her vehicle in such a manner as to be able to stop, no matter what should suddenly happen on the road in front of them.  The only exception being a wild animal entering the roadway.
The second car will be considered at fault for inattention, driving to fast for conditions or following to close.
I hope this information is helpful.
San Francisco Bay Area