Auto Insurance Claims: leak, household insurance, maintenance problem

i have had a leak in my bathroom  and it has caused my ceiling to come down in my lounge  can i claim on my normal household insurance the  sealant has perished  round my bath

Hi Brian,
This is not a loss that will be covered by your homeowners policy.
Water damage coverage under your policy is for "sudden" happenings, such as the breakage of a water pipe or overflow of the toilet or bathtub or a hose bursting on the dishwasher or washing machine.
Water damage that builds up over a period of time such as days,weeks and months and caused deterioration of the ceiling and floors is considered a maintenance problem.
You should have a plumber look at the damage to confirm my opinion before making an insurance claim.  If you file a claim and it is denied as not being a covered loss, it's still a claim mark against your policy.
I know this is not the answer that you wanted to hear, but it's the legal language in your policy.
I hope this information is helpful.
Your feedback by rating my answer will be appreciated.
San Francisco Bay Area