Auto Insurance Claims: multi vehicle coverage, personal automobile insurance, automobile insurance policy

I have 10 cars i insure some fully and some liability only . 5 are antique to Include a 1965 f7 fire truck. alstate insures all but the fire truck.liberty insures the fire truck. I only have three drivers in the house. Do you know of insurance avaiable to do all? and possibly insure the drivers not the vehicles? looking to save a little.alstate has been great untill the fire truck.

Hi Dan,
In all states, the insurance policy follows the vehicle.  This is part of the law created by each state's department of insurance so we have at least one standard in each of the 50 states and DC.
There is no state and no insurance company that writes a policy that allows the driver to be covered instead of the vehicle.
The only exception (which would not apply in your case) is called a
NAMED NON OWNER POLICY.  This policy is designed for someone who does not own a car but wants to be sure they are covered when they drive a
non-owned vehicle.  Such a policy provides liability coverage, no comprehensive or collision.
A personal automobile insurance policy is limited to 4 wheel motorized land vehicles (exceptions made for light pick up's with dual rear wheels) up to one ton and sometimes farm vehicles up to
2 1/2 tons.
All other vehicles are insured under commercial insurance policies
(including your fire truck).  There are many companies that would be able to insure all of your vehicles, but not on the same policy, since one of them requires a commercial policy.
You state that you have been happy with Allstate for a long period.
On that basis, I would not recommend trying to change companies, although almost any Insurance Broker can quote you a price, probably including Liberty.

I hope this information has been of help.
Your feedback by rating my answer will be appreciated.
San Francisco Bay Area