Auto Insurance Claims: Auto theft/recovered/claim denied, key of the proper type, last key used

nearly two months ago we had car stolen(Dodge Neon SRT4)It was badly damaged but recovered the next evening. We thought the insurance co. was on our side to help but NO only themselves we cooperated fully and will take polygraphs to help prove our innocents


Polygraphs are not submissible in court. The way it works is that if you pass, they don't want it. If you don't pass, it will be used for mounting evidence against you.
You are in deeper than you think and without my guidance, you are stand no chance of defending yourself. The insurance company knows how to play this game. You don't!
I am very good at this with over 20 years of working with and against insurance SIUs.
You better contact me at 866-490-1673 before you take any polygraphs. If you have an attorney to defend you in a criminal matter, he/she needs to contact me, because the game is rigged!
Please keep in mind, I am extremely busy and sometimes potential clients take these issues to the wire, leaving me little time to assist them. The sooner you get in touch with me, the better the possibility is that I can assist you.