Auto Insurance Claims: Vehicle hit by opening building door, pearl paint, paint job
QuestionMy truck was recently hit while parked in the parking lot at work, however it wasn't hit by another vehicle it was hit and dented by a back loading door that was locked. A fellow employee heard a delivery man, who had opened the door, say "oops" when leaving but had thought nothing about it at the time. The next day when I washed my truck I found a dent and scratched paint on my spiral pearl paint job on my truck, right where the back door would have opened into it. I was told to file a police report for vandalism and make a claim however due to the nature of replacing the cost of the paint I'm worried about being found partially at fault (for parking near a door) and having my insurance shoot through the roof. I don't have a receipt for the paint job as it was already on the truck when purchased but could be valued anywhere from $6500-$10,000. If this person knew they damaged my vehicle and walked away without saying anything does this make them 100% liable?
AnswerHi Katie,
Since you parked near a door that was able to be opened into your car, you aould likely be considered at partially if not completely at fault. You assumed the risk of parking that close to the door. The delivery man may not have known that your car was on the other side of the door or that the door would open in to it. Also, even if he was found liable, he would only be responsible for paying the cost of repairing the dent and repainting that damaged area not the entire vehicle.
I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh