Auto Insurance Claims: Insurance question, insurance question, payment arrangement
Questionso i was in a car accident 4 years ago when i was 16 years of age and i was at fault and the car i was driving had no insurance and under my mothers name.well i am 20 years old now and my mom was previously handling the situation to my knowledge. i just recently found out she stopped making some kind of of payments to geico 3 months ago and now they sent me a summons and said that if i don't respond that i am responsible so i got scared called the lawyer geico has hired or turned the case over to and they want me to start paying 250 for court cost and then 100 dollars every month for the damages done! but i want to know am i really legally responsible for this when i was only 16 when i got into that accident? and how do i go about disputing this?and what about the law of limitations its been 4 years since this happen ?
AnswerHi Melisa,
It sounds like your mother either made a payment arrangement or had a judgement against her back at the time of the accident. If this is the case then the statute of limitations would not apply. You should seek the advice of an attorney to see if you can be held legally liable for this. It would seem that since you were a minor at the time, that your mother would be liable. On the other hand you were the one that caused the accident and although your mother has been paying this, now that you are an adult, it may be time to step up and assume the responsibility for what you did and take this burden off of your mother.
I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh