Auto Insurance Claims: Two Auto Accidents in one Week, fault accidents, auto accidents
QuestionI (51) backed into a parking lot light pole, did no damage to the concrete barrier (of course not) but did about $2500 to my car door and front end. My Daughter (17) had her first accident the following week, slid on ice/snow and hit a school bus. Very minor damage to the bus, but about $3500 to her car. I am afraid to file both claims together due to her age, we have had no accidents as a family in over 5 years. Any advice, do I pay my car myself so as to not have 2 at fault accidents...or if I claim them both they could drop me, and then my new premiums could hit the roof....
AnswerHi Alan,
This is a question only you can answer. You could try calling your agent and ask a "hypothetical" question. If you were to report 2 accidents what is the likely outcome. The based on the answer you could make a decision.
You would likely be looking at a 50% increase in premium for the next three years. If that is less than the cost to repair the car then you should file the claim. If not then pay it your self. It's basically a math question and you need more info from your agent to determine it.
I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh